Adapting to night time ventilation
"For a long time, I had known that the likelihood of needing nocturnal ventilation was pretty high for me, as an adult living with SMA. But like most people, I put this in the ‘too hard basket’ for far too long."
"For a long time, I had known that the likelihood of needing nocturnal ventilation was pretty high for me, as an adult living with SMA. But like most people, I put this in the ‘too hard basket’ for far too long.
Reluctantly, I started my CPAP journey just before Christmas 2019. I was very scared and nervous, but once I admitted to myself I needed the support and tried to switch my thinking from “this is too much hassle and I won’t cope” to “I can do this”, things started to get better..."
This piece was created as part of Muscular Dystrophy New South Wales' Peer Collective project.
Continue reading on the MDNSW website.
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